Communications Department
The Library of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) officially presented the “Portfolio of Electronic Resources 2022”, a platform where students can access the list and description of all databases, their classification, usability criteria, and multidisciplinary content focused on learning, teaching, and research.
These materials offered by the portfolio include the possibility of accessing specialized databases for each area of knowledge, support and research tools, digital book collections (e-books), and online technical standards for all levels of the university community.
Among the products that were subscribed and expanded their content and functionalities for this year are:
Applied Sciences
ASCE – American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Digital library for the consultation of full-text scientific articles published in the journals edited by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Digital collection of full-text scientific articles from journals published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
BIBLIOTECHNIA: Electronic books in Spanish and multidisciplinary coverage (Social Sciences, Law, Education, Administrative Sciences, and Economics).
Research Tools
Analytical platform of research activity through output, collaboration, and impact indicators. It is based on data from publications indexed in the Web of Science citation databases.
Premium membership integrates and implements the ORCID identifier as a standard for visibility and normalization of the information of the authors affiliated with the institution. This process can be done automatically from up to five information systems at the university.
Ebooks 7-24
Proquest Dissertations and Theses
Digital library of texts to support different academic programs. With respect to 2021, this platform registered several changes in the coverage of texts.
Digital library of digitized content and complementary materials from Editorial Médica Panamericana books. With respect to 2021, the collection will increase from 25 to 50 titles with multi-user access.
Platform for access to 5 million citations of doctoral theses and dissertations from around the world from 1637 to the present, along with more than 2.7 million full-text doctoral theses that are available for download in PDF format. Integrated to PROQUEST ONE.
Human Sciences
Academic video online: a comprehensive, multidisciplinary collection of videos in areas from anthropology to zoology. This includes: concert recordings (new), documentaries, interviews, feature films, performances, news and news programs, and demonstrations.
PROQUEST ONE: Brings together four basic multidisciplinary products for the consultation of scientific articles, e-books, dissertations, news, and videos.
The community that integrates the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) can access all these academic benefits through the respective login with the user and password given for the ‘Virtual Library’.
On the other hand, for the current academic semester, the institution has the support of 19 assistants specializing in different areas of knowledge and information, who will be available for the attention of the academic and administrative community. The University continues with the fulfillment of its three mission axes, this time with the collaboration of digital tools and information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which support with these materials of the highest quality the academic training of its students throughout their professional preparation.