With the objective of studying physiological variables such as the electrocardiographic signal, heart rate variability, blood pressure, as well as prediction of diseases such as coronary heart disease, heart failure, hypertension, Chagas disease, preeclampsia, among other areas, the UIS Electrocardiography Research Group operates.
Doctor and professor Óscar Leonel Rueda Ochoa is the director and has been an example to be followed by the students of the health area who integrate this team and who have the possibility of expanding the knowledge gained in the classrooms.
Some of his recent outstanding achievements are two research projects. The first has to do with an analysis of the SPRINT study (one of the largest hypertension studies in the United States), which was submitted to the American Heart Association.
“My experience in the seedbed has been special and I have learned many things, especially how to manage better when speaking at conferences and exhibitions because this research process requires patience and resilience, so all this helps to acquire more skills in addition to those gained in classes,” said Karoll Julieth Quiroz Vargas, a member of the group.
The second is a meta-analysis of an analysis of multiple studies looking at lipid variability, carried out by Dr. Oscar Leonel Rueda and students Juan Camilo Gómez and Lyda Mariana Herrera Sánchez, who was the beneficiary of the Fellowship Summer Program Scholarship of Erasmus University Medical Center, in Holland.
Thanks to this, she participated in six advanced courses of Epidemiology in Cardiology with professors from Harvard University, Cambridge University, Oxford University, Bern University and Erasmus University.
“I had heard of Professor Rueda because I knew he was doing international research with good ideas. From the beginning I wanted to join because of my interest in cardiology and after I joined I liked him a lot because he is a great person. We have had agreements with renowned international universities and for me it was very valuable to do an exchange in the area of epidemiology,” said Herrera Sanchez.
If you want to know more about the Electrocardiography Research Group you can call 6076344000 extension 3124 or go to the Department of Basic Sciences of the UIS School of Health.