In an emotional ceremony, the 60th anniversary of the existence of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) was commemorated.
During the event led by Fabio Villafrades González, director of this academic-administrative unit, a distinction was presented to Ana Cecilia Ojeda Avellaneda, dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences, for her support and work in favor of the development of physical activity in the institution.
“The Department will continue to grow and in the future the idea is for it to become a School. A first step has already been taken with the creation of the master’s degrees and we want to soon have a doctorate and we are on our way because it is one of the next goals,” said Ojeda Avellaneda.

The meeting also honored Professor Reinaldo Moreno Rey for his 46 years of service in this area. Juan José Landinez Cruz, coach of the Karate Do National Team, was also recognized for his career as an undergraduate student, graduate, professor and now student of the Master’s Degree in Sports Talent Development.

In 1964, by means of Agreement 022 of September 23, with Juan Francisco Villarreal, rector at that time, the Department of Physical Culture and Sports was created, whose purpose was the coordination and direction of sports activities at the University, taking advantage of the physical spaces for the development and practice of the various sports disciplines with a view to the integral formation of students.
At present, the Department is an academic entity attached to the Faculty of Human Sciences and its purpose is to develop educational and research practices and to carry out scientific procedures for the monitoring and analysis of physical activity, contributing to a better quality of life for the community.