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The Coco Bags with didactic material from “La Casa de Coco” arrived in Bosconia

Image showing elementary school students receiving their Coco Bags.
The Coco universe accompanies students of the Bosconia Rural Educational Institution.

Communications Department

The Bosconia Rural Educational Institution and its branches A, B and C already know Coco and have in their classrooms the didactic material (Coco Bags) that will accompany them during the following months and in the implementation of the Second Season of La Casa de Coco.

A total of 145 elementary school students have received their Coco Bags at the different sites of this rural educational institution in Bucaramanga. It is important to highlight that the objective in this phase of the project, La Casa de Coco is to impact approximately 5,000 elementary school students from 33 public institutions in Bucaramanga, to get to know Coco and all its pedagogical possibilities.

The research team, led by professors Ana Cecilia Ojeda Avellaneda and Alexandra Cortés Aguilar, from Universidad Industrial de Santander, has carefully designed didactic tools that are included in the Coco Bags and that complement the sound content, so that students and professors can enrich their teaching and learning experiences.

In addition, the Universidad Industrial de Santander designed a Diploma in Educational Innovation to provide the continuous support required by the teachers who participate in this second season of La Casa de Coco. This training process seeks to allow each professor to let their imagination run wild and create an educational innovation project that responds to their classroom needs with the elements of La Casa de Coco, while applying the most recent teachings on the subject and contributing to the consolidation of the Amigos de Coco Teacher Network. The Second Season of La Casa de Coco began on February 14th its delivery phase of didactic material in the 33 educational institutions selected by the Ministry of Education to develop the project during 2022.