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Sunday, March 30 is the UIS Athletic Race

Image showing runners at the UIS

The central campus of the Universidad Industrial de Santander will be the stage for the 34th edition of the UIS Athletic Race.

This iconic sporting event will have an extension of four kilometers starting from the parking lot of the Luis A. Calvo Auditorium and ending at the athletic track of the Primero de Marzo Stadium.

Image showing the race course

“The Athletic Race is a tradition for our institution and a sporting symbol that has been held since 1988. It is an event with which we have the opportunity to learn more about the UIS both walking, jogging and running and do physical activity to have healthy habits that are important for our lives,” said Fabio Villafrades Gonzalez, director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports.

With only one month left for the competition, the organization recommends those interested in participating to start a proper training and have a good diet to arrive in optimal conditions on March 30.

“From the physical part it is important to train coordination, flexibility, strength work with your own body and endurance because this is an endurance test with the four kilometers. It is also good to make a recognition of the route within the UIS and the issue of food, all this combined is key to a good performance during the race, “said Jorge Buitrago Espitia, professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports.

Image of an athlete in the athletic race.

Registration is free for UIS students, employees and professors, while for graduates and the external community it costs 50 thousand pesos.

Below is the link to register and the instructions to make the payment. For more information write to or call 3172699692 or 6076344000 extensions 1143 or 1145.