Camilo Andrés Parra Portilla, student of the School of Nursing, and member of the research seedbed GRINFER, participated in the VII International Congress of Nursing and Health: Challenges faced by health professionals and VI Meeting of Research Seedbeds – Santa Marta, organized by the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia from October 2 to 4.
Camilo Andrés participated as a speaker in oral modality, with the project “Educational strategy for strengthening parental knowledge in accident prevention and pediatric first aid”. The objective of this research was to promote in the parents of the IPC health center the importance of accident prevention and the application of pediatric first aid based on the IMCI strategy; to achieve this, an innovative educational intervention was developed, with a practical approach, which proved to be effective in strengthening the knowledge, skills and empowerment of parents in the care of their children through practical exercises with clinical simulators created from recyclable materials.
The project, advised by professor Alexandra García, counted with the participation of students Camilo Andrés Parra Portilla, Juan Sebastián Argüello Gil, Isabella González Vélez, Laura Nathalia Calderón Lozano, Aura María Muñoz Estupiñan, and Juan José González.
During the meeting, Henry Espinosa Piñeros, student of the School of Nursing, and member of the research group GRINFER, also participated as an oral speaker with the project “Reduction of anxiety and stress in hospitalized people: an experience of practice” whose objective was to reduce anxiety and stress caused by hospital stay through non-pharmacological interventions to users of the burn unit service of the E.S.E. Hospital Universitario de Santander. Results: A total of 12 users were intervened, corresponding to 100% of those hospitalized according to the inclusion criteria (75% men and 25% women)”. The NOC: [1211] Initial anxiety level was 3.06 (moderate) and the final was 4.65 (mild), being more effective the interventions when the three strategies were included at the same time (Aromatherapy, music therapy and massage therapy) which showed an initial NOC 3.14 and Final NOC 5.0.
The project was advised by Professor José Nicodemo Viviescas and the students Karol Almeida Jaimes, Laura Calderón Lozano, Henry Alexander Espinosa Piñeros, Lina Ortíz Barrientos, Valentina Toloza Santos, Johan Villamizar Cobaría participated in it.
Isabella González Vélez, a student of the School of Nursing and member of the GRINFER research group, also participated in the congress. Her research was entitled “Design of a mobile application for the prevention of pressure injuries (PBI) in hospitalized adults”, whose objective was to evaluate the level of knowledge of the users and/or caregivers of the emergency department of the Hospital Universitario de Santander on the prevention of PBI by means of a mobile application. Results: Validation ranged from 100% to 98.2% for the constructs of attraction, acceptance, involvement, actionability and understanding. The constructs of usability and appropriateness were higher. The initial NOC (Risk Control: Pressure Wound) was 1.63 (Never demonstrated) and the final 3.8 (Sometimes demonstrated); initial NOC (Risk Control) 1.9 (Never demonstrated) and final 3.8 (Sometimes demonstrated).
The research was directed by Professor Dora Inés Parra and the students Isabella González Vélez, Henry Alexander Espinosa Piñeros, Karoll Dayanna Flórez Pinzón, Valentina Tolosa Santos, Juan José González Ardila and Alinson Yaoska Gonzalez Martínez participated in it.
Another student who also participated in the congress was Juan Manuel Tarazona Monsalve, student of the School of Nursing, and member of the research group GRINFER, with the project “Intervention of socioemotional education for the management of stress and frustration in nursing students”, whose objective was to evaluate the decrease of stress and tolerance to frustration after a socioemotional intervention in nursing students. The students presented scores that indicated a decrease in stress and better tolerance to frustration after the socioemotional intervention, demonstrating that the interventions proposed were effective. The project was directed by Professor Carolina Vargas Porras and Luis Orlando Pedraza.
This congress was attended by speakers from the United States, Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Peru, Chile, the Netherlands and Colombia, and was aimed at nursing students and professionals. With a total of 10 keynote lectures, 55 oral research papers and 60 papers from research groups, the congress was consolidated as a space for the exchange of knowledge and experiences between experts and young researchers.