The time has come for students interested in participating in national or international academic mobility initiatives, during the second semester of 2022, to be properly informed and to complete the necessary steps to make this purpose a reality.
To this end The Office of External Relations invites undergraduate in-person modality and distance learning students and graduate students to participate in the INFORMATIVE MEETING that will be held virtually through the Zoom platform: https://renata.zoom.us/j/87020086984 on Wednesday, February 2 from 9:00 a.m. and will be broadcast on our Youtube and Facebook channels.
In this meeting, students will learn about the modalities of participation that the University offers to its students for national and international stays; the characteristics of the program; the names and requirements of the cooperating universities and institutions; the duties and rights of the participants; as well as the possibility of accessing support and incentives that the UIS offers to the beneficiaries of the Mobility Program, among other aspects.