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Seminar on Medical Image Processing to be held at the UIS

Medical image processing refers to the use of computational algorithms to improve the quality of images or to extract information that may be useful for medical applications such as diagnosing diseases or performing certain procedures.

In order to deepen this information, the HDSP research group of the School of Systems Engineering of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) scheduled for April 20 and 21, the Seminar on Medical Image Processing.

The Seminar will have as guest speakers: Jean-Yves Tourneret, INP-ENSEEIHT, IRIT Lab. of Toulouse, France; Adrian Basarab, Université de Lyon, CREATIS Lab, of Lyon, France; Ehsan Adeli, Stanford University, of California (USA), and Lenin Chinchilla, of Université Paris-Saclay, of Paris (France).

Representing the Universidad Industrial de Santander are: Lola Bautista, Said Pertuz and Karen Sánchez.

The event is aimed at the UIS community interested in medical image processing.

The event will be held at the Guillermo Camacho Caro Auditorium of the School of Industrial and Business Studies UIS, starting at 8:00 a.m. You can register at ->