The Cultural Direction of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) presents a new week full of artistic, cultural, social and entertainment activities. Both the university community and the general public can attend to enjoy the varied programming.
Young and old can attend, free of charge, the weekly outdoor program or the Sundays of ‘Vecinos y Amigos UIS’, events that include stage shows, cultural talks, comedy meetings with a touch of theater, music, dance and film.
The week of Tuesday, February 15th through Sunday, February 20th will include the following activities:
(Tuesday, February 15th) #CoffeeTuesdays
Musical Presentation
David Camargo
Luis A. Calvo Auditorium
5:00 p.m.
(Wednesday, February 16th)
The Commitments
Alan Parker
Rafael Prada Ardila Exhibition Hall
12:00 p.m.
(Thursday, February 17th)
Comedy show: Esta jeta es mía
Jorge Villamizar
José Antonio Galán Outdoor Auditorium
4:00 p.m.
(Friday, February 18th)
Santander una sola rumba
Agrupación Música y Danzas Folclóricas UIS
Bienestar Campestre
4:00 p.m.
(Sunday, February 20th) #NeighborsAndFriends
8:00 a.m.
“You are invited to join us every day of the week to each of these activities, a cultural offer of free access for all of you, in a very important effort made by the UIS for the whole community to visit us and enjoy the university park” said Sandra Fabiola Barrera Ruiz, UIS cultural director.
To be updated on all events, activities and programming in general of the UIS Cultural Directorate, enter the following link to be informed daily about any news https://www.uis.edu.co/webUIS/es/administracion/direccionCultural/