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Saber UIS call

Image showing information about UIS Saber UIS test call
Call for the Saber UIS test

The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) has designed a strategy that begins with a personalized diagnostic test, related to the generic and citizenship competencies that every person and professional develops and strengthens throughout life, in parallel to the disciplinary competencies. This test has no impact on the record and report of academic performance; as indicated, its purpose is strictly formative to analyze the performance in certain competencies, so that you will know the level achieved in them and the university will have an input to strengthen improvement processes.

The Saber UIS test is structured according to the following generic competencies: quantitative reasoning, reading comprehension, written communication, civic culture and understanding of the world, English and information management; it will last approximately three hours and will be conducted on the Moodle platform, from Monday, January 24 to Monday, January 31 and is aimed at undergraduate students in SECOND, FOURTH AND SIXTH semesters.

To complete the test you must enter the link: using the student code as user and password. In this link you will find the step by step instructions for filling out the test:

We thank you for your participation in the presentation of the event.