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“Results of the Regional Academic Mobility Program (MARCA) in accredited careers – XII Call”, of MERCOSUR

The MARCA Program is the first academic mobility program promoted by governments from the MERCOSUR Education Sector. The member and associated countries of the bloc participate in this program, encouraging regional integration among the MERCOSUR countries, through projects among the careers accredited by the Quality Accreditation Mechanism of the MERCOSUR Education Sector.

Mobility is carried out between the Mercosur countries and is developed through regular teaching periods of one academic semester, the UIS is part of this initiative within the framework of the Regional Accreditation System of University Careers – (ARCU-SUR) to which the Chemical Engineering program, internationally accredited, belongs.

In this sense, the Directorate of Foreign Relations is allowed to announce the winners of the quotas for the 2022-2 call:

Destination countryDestination universityMobility ObjectivesDuration of mobility
ParaguayUniversidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA)Academic exchange1 (one) student will do one academic semester of exchange per year María Andrea Pérez Hernández
UruguayUniversidad de la República (UDELAR)Academic exchange1 (one) student will do one academic semester of exchange per year Silvia Juliana Gómez Castro