La Dirección Cultural of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) extends an invitation to the entire community to participate in a new week full of artistic, cultural, social and entertainment activities.
People of all ages can attend, free of charge, to the weekly program of outdoor events, you only have to manage the tickets in the link of the tiquetera UIS Cultural: link https://bit.ly/TiqueteraUIScultural.
These events include musical shows, theater, cultural talks, comedy shows, dance, cinema and sports activities, among others.
The week of Tuesday, March 15 through Friday, March 18 will include the following activities:
-Tuesday, March 15: ‘Zhawa and Carry’, plazoleta del Auditorio Luis A. Calvo, starting at 5:00 p. m.
-Wednesday, March 16: ‘Women who make movies’ cycle, film ‘The Piano’, Rafael Prada Ardila exhibition hall, starting at 12:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 17: El Circo de los Clown, ‘Mi Hermano y Yo’, Auditorio al aire libre José Antonio Galán , starting at 4:00 p. m.
-Friday, March 18: EmmanuelSax, merengue, salsa, pop and vallenatos, at Bienestar Campestre, starting at 4:00 p.m.
This week, a special program will be held on Wednesday, March 16 by the Concurso Nacional de Literatura UIS (4:00 p.m.) and on Friday, March 18 with the event ‘Con P de Colombia’ with Daniel Samper Ospina, to be held at the Auditorio Luis A. Calvo of the UIS (8:00 p.m.).