Professor and researcher Guillermo Alfonso González Villegas was sworn in as Full Member of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences.

González Villegas, who has been linked to the Universidad Industrial de Santander since 1990, is attached to the School of Physics. In 2007 he received the distinction of “Laureate Professor” by the University.
To achieve the Academy’s recognition he had to fulfill several requirements: to have been a corresponding member for at least four years; to have contributed to the training of new researchers; to have actively participated in the work of the Academy and to have an article published or accepted in the Academy’s journal.

The research “Cech Cohomology and Topological Quantization of Physical Parameters”, approved by the Academy, was the one that Professor González Villegas presented at the Aula Máxima of Sciences of the UIS as part of his possession.
During the ceremony, Professor Guillermo González explained how his research made a revision of the set cosmology method to obtain quantization conditions of some physical parameters.

“It has been a long process, almost ten years of permanent work with the Academy. It is a source of pride to reach the category of Full Member, which is the highest category,” said Professor González.
The Colombian Academy of Exact Sciences is responsible for the application, teaching and development of the exact, physical and natural sciences in Colombia. Many congratulations to this professor of the Universidad Industrial de Santander for rising to this category in the prestigious Academy.