Communications Department
On Sunday, March 6, the UIS Athletic Race returns in-person modality, which this year will have a four-kilometer course within the facilities of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS).
The starting point will be the parking lot of the Luis A. Calvo Auditorium and will run around the campus to finish at the athletics track of the Primero de Marzo stadium.
Registration is open from January 31 and closes on February 27. To advance registration you must fill out this form: https://bit.ly/3FSlxCI and from February 15 you can go to the Sports Department office to claim your race number.
Please note that the competition will be in-person modality only for the UIS Community (students, professors and administrative staff), as a preventive measure against the pandemic.
“The Race returns in-person modality after two years. The route will be four kilometers inside the University, in order to minimize possible contagions in our community, thanks to the fact that in the institution there are protocols that are carried out to protect us”, informed Fabio Villafrades González, director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports.
Externs can participate in the virtual modality
The categories of UIS graduates, national and international university students and the only open category (external) will continue with the virtual format used last year.
The person who wishes to participate will have to register at this link: https://forms.gle/ax9EjDHDnKBsbdYq9. Once the application is approved, you will receive an email with instructions and rules.
Then you have the possibility to run the four kilometers, between February 27 and March 6, in the place of your choice. The times will be measured by a mobile application that the organization will decide and those results must be sent to the directives of the UIS Athletic Race for further review.
“I invite you to participate whether walking, jogging or running, let’s remember that physical activity provides us with healthy habits that keep us active.
Welcome to the Athletic Race, the UIS is waiting for you!”, added Villafrades Gonzalez. For more information write to carreratleticauis2022@gmail.com or call 3172699692 or 6344000 extensions 1143 or 1145.