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Professor UIS, your presence at the meeting with the peer commission is very important… ¡Let’s go for the renewal!

Teachers' Meeting
Teachers’ Meeting

Together, professors, students, managers, administrators, graduates, employers and the external community participated in the self-evaluation process, in view of the renewal of the Institutional Accreditation.

These were spaces of integration where, among all of us, we issued a judgment regarding the quality of the UIS. A process assumed with responsibility, which allowed different views on the project, the work and institutional achievements.

We have already taken the first step! Now the process continues with the external evaluation by national and international academic peers appointed by the National Accreditation Council, who will be at the University on February 23rd, 24th and 25th.

Professor UIS: we look forward to seeing you next Thursday, February 24 in the Aula Maxima of the Faculty of Sciences for the meeting with the commission of academic peers.

Let’s go for the renewal… Together we make it possible!

Date: Thursday, February 24th, 2022

Time: 3:30 to 5:00 p. m.

Place: Aula Máxima of the Faculty of Sciences To access the Self-evaluation Report 2021 and other documents about the process, go to: