Diana Carolina Tiga Loza, professor at the School of Nursing and member of the GRINFER research group, presented a poster at the XVIII Pan-American Colloquium on Nursing Research 2024, held at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
The poster presented was entitled “Development of an application to support adherence to tuberculosis treatment”. This work presented the progress of an interprofessional work with implementation of innovation strategies for the care of people with tuberculosis. Welman Ribón, professor of the Medicine program, and the nursing student, Camilo Parra Portilla, member of the nursing seedbed, participated as co-authors in this research.
This event is considered one of the most important in nursing in Latin America, whose theme this time was “Innovation and impact of research and leadership in nursing”. It brought together nurses who shared their research on innovative health care practices, the role of advanced practice in nursing, leadership and strategic management, education, interprofessional practice and research, and humanization in health.