Communications Department
Fabio Bolívar Grimaldos, professor of the Department of Internal Medicine of the School of Medicine of the UIS, specialist in Internal Medicine and Pneumology and scientific director of the Pneumological Institute of the East (INO), is the author of ‘El Libro Líquido de la Medicina Respiratoria’, the first work that contemplates the complete history of pneumology in Colombia.
This text, which was launched during the inauguration of the XIX Congreso Colombiano de Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax in Bucaramanga, is based on a rigorous work of documentary research, bibliographic review, and collection of testimonies, and was presented as a first advance that will have new contributions in the future. “This is the beginning of our work. That is why Dr. Mario Orozco called it: ‘El Libro Líquido de la Medicina Respiratoria’, because it is still flowing, it is not finished,” said Professor Fabio Bolivar during the presentation.
This document presents four sections that correspond to the most relevant periods in the evolution of pneumology in Colombia: it addresses the country’s respiratory problems in the midst of the anti-tuberculosis fight during the first half of the twentieth century, identifies the processes that were consolidated from a modern perspective in pneumology, addresses the academic progress presented in the twentieth century, and delivers the latest contributions of respiratory medicine to the present day.
Under the guidance of Professor Miguel Cuadros, El Libro Líquido de la Medicina Respiratoria was written by Dr. Fabio Bolívar Grimaldos in coordination with Dr. Carlos A. Torres Duque, pneumologist of the Fundación Neumológica de Colombia and Dr. Mauricio Orozco Levi, president of the Eastern Chapter of Asoneumocito.
“The present Book has been conceived as a dynamic text, making it feasible to enrich and increase its “wealth” of information. A liquid is characterized by having molecules with greater mobility than solids (more rigid) and less than gases (more ethereal), which is why it adapts to the shape of the container. Hence, the Liquid Book figure of speech is an invitation for all ASONEUMOCITO members to contribute ideas and proposals that flow as a continuous and dynamic added value. We hope you enjoy it, “writes Mauricio Orozco-Levi, MD, PhD, MSc in the review of the work in The Total Book. The copy is hosted for free consultation in America’s digital library – ‘The Total Book’: https://www.ellibrototal.com/ltotal/