The School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering is pleased to invite you to participate in the twelfth cohort of SPECIALIZATION IN ELECTRICAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS program.
Registration Start Date: November 22, 2021
Registration closing date: February 22, 2022
The program aims to:
Train professionals with a high level of knowledge, who consolidate their capacity for synthesis and are generators of proposals for solving problems in the first instance in the eastern zone and the country in general, in the area of Electric Power Distribution Systems.
Ensure the analysis and discussion of current issues and their main applications in the sector of electrical energy distribution systems, originating in the national and international environment.
Strengthen inter-institutional contacts with national and international universities that allow the exchange of knowledge at the level of students, professors, and researchers, which facilitates the development of projects aimed at solving the problems of the electricity distribution systems sector.
Establish relationships with companies in the productive sector of the country to develop projects leading to increased competitiveness and improvement of the electricity distribution sector.
Strengthen the country’s intellectual capital to contribute to the growth of the Colombian electricity sector.
Delve into the conceptualization and contextualization of the electricity distribution activity in Colombia.
Facilitate the deepening and interpretation of the regulatory and normative framework that governs the activity of distribution of electrical energy.
Study the criteria and procedures for the planning, expansion, operation, and maintenance of Regional Transmission Systems (STR) and Local Distribution Systems (SDL), according to the different voltage levels existing in the country.
Study the criteria for the design and execution of the investment plan of the Network Operators (OR), in order to guarantee the reliability, security, and economy of the STR and/or SDL.
Mediate the learning of professionals interested in technological advances associated with the areas of communication, automation, and information systems to be implemented in the operation and planning processes of energy distribution systems.
Promote the application of regulations and technical standards to the optimal operation and planning of energy distribution systems.
Make known the useful technological advances in the areas of operation and planning of energy distribution systems.
More information:
Telephones: 6359622, 6344000 Ext. 1217 – 2365
E-mails: esptelec@uis.edu.co, posgradose3t@uis.edu.co
Website: https://e3t.uis.edu.co/eisi/grupo/posgradose3t/#views/gm54/maestrias/sistemas_de_distribucion_de_energia_electrica