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Open enrollment for the VI Cohort of the Master’s Degree in Informatics for Education

Image of the call for applications VI Master’s Degree in Informatics for Education

Interested in the current call for Advanced Training Scholarships 2022-1 Ministerio de Educación-ICETEX for professors and teaching managers of official educational establishments.

For all those interested in training at the master’s level as professors and researchers in preschool, elementary, and middle school education.

The Master’s Degree in Informatics for Education is aimed at pre-school, elementary, and middle school teachers and other professionals interested in training as teachers.

Researchers with the capacity to investigate, reflect, and act in their educational context, creatively incorporating the available computer resources.

In addition, on this occasion, the Master’s Degree in Informatics for Education is part of the postgraduate programs covered by the Advanced Training 2022-1 call for applications.

Ministerio de Educación-ICETEX for professors of official educational establishments.

This call is aimed at educators in service (Teachers and Teachers’ Managers) with property appointments and who work in official educational establishments in the country and seeks to strengthen the professional skills of educators, thus achieving that they improve their teaching practices and promote educational research and disciplinary deepening, which positively affect the transformation of the school reality.

The following is general information about the program and the enrollment process.

Title awarded: Master’s Degree in Informatics for Education.

Modality: Remote – in-person and virtual tutorials. (maximum in-person modality: 2 times per semester).

Schedule: Fridays 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Duration: 4 semesters

Investment: Enrollment (0.25 SMMLV for a one-time fee),

Tuition and academic fees (5.2 SMMLV per semester).

Qualified registration Ministerio de Educación: Resolución 19802 de octubre 18 de 2016.Vigente hasta 2023.

Registered in the area of Educational Sciences (necessary requirement for promotion in the professor’s career ladder).

SNIES: 105930

More information on the call for applications: Advanced Training 2022-1 MENICETEX.

More information about the program and the registration process is available here.