The UIS Office of External Relations informs that the Call for Scholarships 2022-2023 of the Funcación Carolina is now open.
Doctoral scholarships and postdoctoral short internships.
40 PhD scholarships and 50 short stays scholarships are being called among all candidates submitted by institutions and universities according to the cooperation agreements signed bilaterally.
The deadline for submitting candidates for the PhD and short research stays fellowships is Thursday, April 7, 2022, inclusive. If you are interested in applying, you must submit the documents by March 31, 2022.
Please note the main features of the program:
Candidates for doctoral fellowships must hold a master’s degree that admits their access to the doctorate in the country of issue of that degree.
Candidates for doctoral scholarships and short postdoctoral stays will have to choose one of the fifty-eight Spanish universities that have signed an agreement with Fundación Carolina as their center of destination.
The doctoral candidate may apply for any doctoral program at these universities, with the exception of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, where these doctoral programs are limited (see the “Benefits of the scholarship” section of the call for applications on our website).
The number of Spanish universities that co-fund the stay of doctoral fellows is twenty-five (see attached list). In these cases the conditions of the agreement with you are improved in relation to the monthly contribution to the doctoral fellow, since the Spanish university participates in the co-financing of the stay, either with 400 € per month, or with accommodation in a university residence. This improvement in the distribution of the 1,200 € per month does NOT apply to short stay scholarships.
Candidates registration: The form of access will be through the email account with which your institution registered and the password. Attached is additional information on how the platform works.
Rules of the call for applications:
The bases of the call for both programs are published at https://gestion.fundacioncarolina.es/programas, within the section Doctorate and Short Stays.
Contact information for candidates:
The email where candidates can request information is:
– For Doctoral Scholarships: doctorado_2022@fundacioncarolina.es
– For Short Term Fellowships: estanciascortas_2022@fundacioncarolina.es
Postgraduate, Mobility and Institutional Studies Scholarships
In this 22nd edition, 594 scholarships are offered in all areas of knowledge, distributed in the following modalities: 236 postgraduate scholarships, 90 doctoral scholarships and postdoctoral short stays, 27 faculty mobility scholarships and 121 institutional studies scholarships, in addition to 120 renewals of doctoral scholarships. The call for applications totals 171 academic programs, of which 143 are postgraduate programs.
The call for applications falls within the framework of the “Spanish Cooperation Scholarships”, made up of scholarships from the Carolina Foundation and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). Its design addresses both the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda and the horizon of “triple transition” -digital, ecological and social- faced by societies to be more just, sustainable and inclusive.
Hence, in this edition, the Carolina Foundation’s scholarships place special emphasis on fields such as urban sustainability, food security, psychological health and gender studies. Likewise, the call for applications provides continuity to the STEM programs, aimed particularly at women, and the bicentennial program, aimed at Central American countries. It also continues to support the relevance of doctoral studies to consolidate scientific networks for Ibero-American cooperation.
The call remains in line with the scope of the 5 “P’s” of the 2030 Agenda: people, planet, prosperity, peace, justice and institutions, and alliances (partnerships) of the 2030 Agenda. The definition of the training offer has been based on criteria of quality and relevance of the programs of the academic institutions in the face of today’s societal challenges.
The deadline to apply for a scholarship in the areas of Postgraduate and Institutional Studies will remain open until March 15, 2022, at 09.00 a.m. Spanish time.
Opening information: https://mailuis-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/movilidad_uis_edu_co/EUjDwXelty9Bot_r6doMkvMB5vbpKZiGr1dHIJQfCY0i2w?e=slNec1
For more information, please visit: https://gestion.fundacioncarolina.es/programas Contact: juan.torres@fundacioncarolina.es