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Microbiologist, Claudia Milena Trujillo Vargas will share her knowledge and experience within the framework of the outstanding graduate program

From the Directorate of Foreign Relations and through the Institutional Alumni Program, the program is managed to grant visibility and institutional recognition to outstanding Graduates of the different professional disciplines offered by our University. This program is part of the developments of the Institutional Policy of Graduates, consecrated by Superior Agreement 091 of 2008, and that in previous years managed to locate and promote the visit of outstanding professionals graduated from our academic programs.

For her outstanding academic and research performance, the microbiologist Claudia Milena Trujillo Vargas, was nominated by the School of Microbiology, in the program carried out by the Office of Graduates of Foreign Relations UIS. Claudia Milena is a professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the Universidad de Antioquia and during her research career she has been interested in studying the pathogenesis of primary immunodeficiencies.

Therefore, from the Institutional Program of Graduates and the School of Microbiology, we invite all graduates, professors and students of the School and the entire interested university community to this important meeting:

Date: Monday, August 1, 2022

Time: 8:00 a.m. – Conference “From patient to protein: unveiling immune complexities”

10:00 a.m. – Conversation with students of Microbiology and Bioanalysis

Place: Maximum Science Classroom, Central Campus, Industrial University of Santander

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