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¡Massive participation! 8 people postulated in the process of designation of the UIS RECTOR 2022-2025

Appointment of the UIS Rector 2022-2025
Appointment of the UIS Rector 2022-2025

In order of registration, Hernán Porras Díaz, Álfora Stella González Coronel, Héctor Alirio Méndez Sánchez, Édgar Giovanni Rodríguez Cuberos, Manuel Peña Suárez, Wilman Amaya León, Juan Carlos Reyes Nova and Álvaro Gómez Báez, are the eight persons who presented their registration before the General Secretariat to participate in the process of designation of the rector of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, for the period 2022-2025.

According to the schedule established by the Agreement of the Superior Council No. 001 of 2022, on February 15th of this year, the Academic Council will meet as the Credentials Committee to verify compliance with the requirements and evaluate the academic merits of the candidates registered for the appointment process.

On February 16th, the list of candidates who meet the requirements for the position of UIS Rector will be published on the institutional website.

Between the 17th and 22nd of the same month, there will be an opportunity for the presentation in writing, at the General Secretariat, of claims to the published list of candidates for the position of rector. The response will be given on the 24th, the same day that the final list of approved candidates will be published.

These people will have, between February 28th and March 4th, a space for scheduling and conducting forums, transmitting interviews and publishing management plans on the web portal and institutional social networks.

The process will continue on March 7th with the Opinion Consultation to know the perception of the university community regarding the candidates. There, University employees, linked by legal or regulatory relationship, employment contract, special teaching hour contract, occasional professor; students with current enrollment in the UIS and alumni of undergraduate and graduate programs will have the right to participate. Finally, on March 11th, the Superior Council will appoint the UIS Rector 2022-2025.