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La Casa de Coco project launches diploma course on Educational Innovation in the Classroom

diploma course on educational innovation in the classroom
Diploma course on Educational Innovation in the Classroom

This Friday, February 11th, the work team of the Second Season of La Casa de Coco will hold the inaugural session of the Diploma in Design and Implementation of Educational Innovation Projects in the Classroom, created to accompany teachers who during this 2022 receive Coco and all his friends in their classrooms.

The course will include 120 hours of training and support for educators to learn the content of this second season and develop classroom projects according to their needs and those of their students. To facilitate access to materials and feedback to the teachers’ proposals, more than 80% of the course activities will be developed through digital platforms.

With this training methodology, the team of the Second Season of the Casa de Coco, a project led by the Universidad Industrial de Santander and the Ministry of Education, will accompany the implementation of the project to rectors, coordinators and teachers of the 33 beneficiary educational institutions.

Ana Cecilia Ojeda, director of the Second Season of the Casa de Coco, assures that “the importance of the diploma course is to be the tool through which accompaniment and systematization of each of the processes that teachers will experience implementing the project in their classrooms is provided. All this through a digital platform, but also with the support of advisors and assistants trained to develop classroom projects that will begin to emerge from this pedagogical work, which involves not only children but also their rectors, coordinators and teachers”.

This is how the Universidad Industrial de Santander and the Secretary of Education will take Coco to the classrooms of rural and urban schools of strata 1 and 2, to impact through this flexible education model to more than 5000 children in the municipality of Bucaramanga.

For more information and confirmation of attendance to the event, please contact: Andrea Salazar – 3052924850