Registrations are open until February 28 for the public call to select permanent professors to work at the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS).
There are 78 positions available (57 are for full time and 21 for part time). In this link you can review the specific areas in which personnel are required: https://bit.ly/3fOFOhL.
Professionals who aspire to any of these positions must have high quality ethical, political and professional training; be governed by democratic principles; allow and encourage critical reflection, the free exercise of the professorship, interdisciplinary work and be interested in keeping up to date with the dynamics of the external world.
The general public tender corresponds to the selection process of professors, according to the needs contemplated in the development plans of Schools, Departments, as well as the Institute of Regional Projection and Distance Education (Ipred) and with the characteristics that guarantee the capacity to support the development of teaching, research and the University-Society relationship, for the fulfillment of the Institutional Mission.
These are the requirements to participate in the call:
Possess the university degrees defined in the profile of the position to which they aspire.
To comply with the experience and competencies established in the profile of the position to which he/she aspires.
To have academic productivity (at least two of the products defined in article 10 of Decree 1279 of 2002, the norm that modifies, substitutes, adds or complements it).
Proficiency in a foreign language at least level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
To consult the exact documents that must be filled out and submitted, please visit this link: https://bit.ly/3Hpqt3n
Every person who aspires to be a professor at the UIS must assume with commitment and full awareness of his or her ethical and social responsibility, the role as a guide of the learning process that supports the integral formation of students, according to the Pedagogical Model, which is defined as an agreement of the community of professors, students, directors and other servants of the institution, on the principles and the way to execute the educational process at the UIS.
Check here: https://bit.ly/3Kvq41m for more information about the documents to be submitted. Also, on this page you will find the schedule, procedures for the evaluation, among other relevant aspects. If you have any additional questions, please write to concurso@uis.edu.co