If you are a user of the Specialized Health Unit of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UISALUD) this information is of your interest. If you are planning to travel out of town during these holidays, it is essential that you carry with you a physical copy of the Affiliates’ Rights Proof. This document will be essential to receive medical attention in other health centers, in case you need it.
To obtain your voucher, follow these steps:
- Enter the Universidad Industrial de Santander website: uis.edu.co.
- At the top of the page, click on the Employees option.
- Select the UISALUD access.
- In the UISALUD microsite, find and click on the module Verification of Affiliates’ Rights.
- Enter your personal information and download the voucher.
Remember that carrying this document will guarantee you medical attention during your trips.
Be sure to include it in your travel arrangements.