The creation of the ‘Auxilio de Sostenimiento Estudiantil para Sedes Regionales’, the establishment of forgivable credits for subsidized research master’s and doctoral programs and mixed research master’s programs, in addition to the extension of the special tuition financing program, were the three main agreements approved at the recent session of the Superior Council, which will benefit undergraduate and graduate students of the Universidad Industrial de Santander.
Regarding the ‘Auxilio de Sostenimiento Estudiantil para Sedes Regionales’, this will be an economic support to subsidize lodging or food expenses. It will be allocated per academic period and will be delivered to each beneficiary student, divided into four equal parts, each worth 0.157948 smmlv, as long as the beneficiary maintains the conditions and requirements set forth in Agreement No. 008 of 2022 (see attached file).
“In this Superior Council we took out a new Agreement and it will not be an impediment that you have another benefit from the National or Departmental Government, such as for example Jóvenes en Acción, to be able to access. It is necessary to be attentive to access and not lose these quotas, which are more than 100 for each site,” said Maria Alejandra Aguilera Blanco, student representative to the Superior Council.
In the January 31 session, Agreement No. 007 of 2022 was also approved, which establishes for the first academic period of 2022, the number and amount of forgivable credits for subsidized research master’s and doctoral programs and mixed research master’s programs that comply with the provisions of Article 182 of the Superior Council Agreement No. 075 of 2013.
For more information on the total credits in each program and all detailed information, please review the attached file of Agreement No. 007 of 2022.
Finally, the highest governing body of the UIS extended for the first academic period of 2022 the special tuition financing program. This is supported by entities of the financial system, through easy access credit lines, with a term no longer than six months and without interest on the term or financing charged to the students, since such financing costs will be assumed by the UIS.
Access to the special financing program will be available to those undergraduate and subsidized graduate students who express the need to resort to a financing mechanism for the payment of tuition and who do not have financing or sponsorship from an external entity.
The above was certified in Agreement No. 009 of 2022 (see annex).
Agreement-008-22.pdf Agreement-009-22.pdf