UIS obtained a score of 4.85 in factor 2 for students, according to the results of the 2021 institutional self-assessment.
One of the factors taken into account for the results of the institutional self-evaluation 2021, was factor 2 Students, in which the …
Come and participate in the cultural events that will take place during this week at the UIS
With the aim of promoting culture, art and recreation, from the Cultural Direction of the Universidad Industrial de Santander spaces loaded with …
Booster dose session rescheduled: the key against COVID-19
As part of the informative activities that are carried out monthly from the Faculty of Health, a new topic of interest arrives: …
Microbiology student won first place in national painting contest
Stefanny Julieth Pérez Medina, ninth semester student of microbiology, participated in the “CNB Painting Contest for Bacteriologists and homologists”, organized by the …
UIS regional campuses welcome 776 students to the introductory level
The beginning of a new academic stage for young people who will take the Introductory Level during the first semester of 2022 …
What are you waiting for to get your COVID-19 booster dose? Remember, vaccines save lives!
According to data registered by the Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, 80% of the Colombian population prioritized within the National Vaccination …
Process of designation of the rector 2022-2025 bulletin No. 2
The General Secretariat of the Universidad Industrial de Santander in exercise of the functions entrusted to it in artículo 3º del Acuerdo …
Miguel José Pinilla Gutiérrez continues as the former rectors’ representative to the board of governors.
Former rectors Cecilia Reyes de León, Álvaro Ramírez García, Jaime Alberto Camacho Pico, Álvaro Beltrán Pinzón and Jorge Gómez Duarte reelected Miguel …
The UIS library offers weekly trainings on the use of its new platforms
The ‘Itinerary of weekly trainings’ included in the ‘Portfolio of Electronic Resources 2022’ of the Library of the Universidad Industrial de Santander …
U24 Fest reached its third day with the start of ‘De puertas pa’ fuera’ and keynote lectures
The ninth edition of the event ‘De puertas pa’ fuera’ began this Wednesday with different activities focused on sharing experiences of the …
Through education, Sede UIS Malaga participates in Territorial Meeting on the preservation of the Almorzadero Paramo
In the municipality of Cerrito, in the province of García Rovira, representatives of the educational sector, environmental institutions of the country and …
Forestry Engineering students from the UIS Malaga campus went on a field trip to ecological restoration areas in Santander
48 students of the Forestry Engineering program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander – Sede Malaga, visited several places in Santander as …