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The creation of the ‘Auxilio de Sostenimiento Estudiantil para Sedes Regionales’, the establishment of forgivable credits for subsidized research master’s and doctoral …

The time has come for students interested in participating in national or international academic mobility initiatives, during the second semester of 2022, …

With the purpose of remembering Hegel, one of the most important thinkers of modernity, the School of Law and Political Science will …

In view of the termination of Dr. Hernán Porras Díaz’s term as Rector, scheduled for May 6, 2022, the Superior Council of …

The Academic Council, in a session held this Tuesday, approved Acuerdo No. 024, which establishes how the requirements will be verified and …

With a research that allowed comparing the outcomes of the different surgical approaches used for the management of diaphragmatic hernias, Sergio Alejandro …

With his work ‘Origins and Legacy of Indigenous Women’, Franklin Piaguaje, member of the Siona indigenous community and student of Plastic Arts …

Dear university community, You are invited to read the 29th issue of the HUS Accreditation Bulletin. In this magazine, you will find …

In view of the peak of COVID-19 infections that the country is facing, the Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social urged the …

With the intention of analyzing the creation and implementation of the Peace Agreement between the Colombian State and the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias …

Hola 2


Appreciated Bachelor student in English or Foreign Languages with emphasis in English. Apply as an Administrative Assistant of English by filling out …