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On Tuesday, President Gustavo Petro embarked on a marathon journey in Santander. Coming from La Loma, Cesar, he arrived at Palonegro Airport …

Enkelé is full of news in this 2024. The most recent is to be one of the 100 groups invited to the …

Dear members of our University community, It is a pleasure to share with you the opening of the 2024-2 mobility call. We …

The Language Institute of the Universidad Industrial de Santander opens registrations, starting this week, for children, adolescents and adults who wish to …

Professors Julián Rodríguez Ferreira and Efrén Darío Acevedo Cárdenas will travel next Thursday, January 25 from Bucaramanga to Antarctica to join the …

With the aim of generating a research and extension alliance that puts knowledge at the service of the welfare of entrepreneurs and …

Students from schools in Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area who were finalists in the UIS Regional Mathematics Olympics are medalists in the …

Sandra Milena Velasco Herrera, professor and nutritionist UIS, assumed as the new coordinator of Food Services of Student Welfare. “It is an …

As a space for reunion, coexistence, integration and recreation among UIS graduates, the Alumni Meeting was held as part of the commemoration …

With the aim of providing quality of life to millions of women around the world who suffer from breast cancer, industrial designers …

A study conducted by UIS professors Jürg Niederbacher Velásquez and Álvaro Javier Idrovo Velandia, together with Jeadran Malagón Rojas and Yesith Toloza …

A new species of spiny mouse called ‘Neacomys Marci’ has been discovered in Ecuador, which makes it the fourteenth of its genus …

What began as an idea was the seed to plant a great communication project of the UIS, with which the University would …

Professor and researcher Guillermo Alfonso González Villegas was sworn in as Full Member of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural …

The ESE Hospital Universitario de Santander (HUS), the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) and the Government of Santander, as the only official …

¡UIS Community! From the Information Services Division, the Help Desk was developed. A useful tool for the application, processing, monitoring and solution …

#FIFME CommunityThe Dean’s Office of the Physicomechanical Engineering College invites you to participate in personalized tutorials on academic writing in English. These …

To achieve the foreign language level graduation requirement, the Language Institute invites you to enroll and pass the English Postgraduate I and …

Dear Community: The Faculty of Sciences of Universidad Industrial de Santander offers students who have completed secondary education and wish to continue …

The Organizing Committee of the VII Symposium on Hydrocarbons Research in its first international version has extended the deadline for submission of …

The Faculty of Physicomechanical Engineering extends the invitation to the talk that the Dean will give to know the process of international …

The Deanship of Human Sciences, invites the students of the School of Languages, to participate in the process of election of the …


Undergraduate and graduate student #UIS The Faculty of Physical and Mechanical Engineering extends the invitation to participate in the last workshops in …

To achieve the foreign language level graduation requirement, Language Institute invites students to enroll and pass the courses of English Postgraduate I …

Nathaly Bernal Sandoval, a graduate in English from the Universidad Industrial de Santander and currently a PhD student in Letters (Modern) at …

A total of 226 elementary, middle, and high school students who participated in the Semillero Matemático y del Club Semillero Matemático Euler …

The Escuela de Derecho y Ciencia Política UIS held the “Discussion of Rulings from the Administrative Tribunal of Santander: Rafael Gutiérrez Solano …

“Music and Matter: Lutherie in Bucaramanga” is the name of the exhibition organized by 6th and 8th semester Plastic Arts students at …

In a display of academic and research excellence, the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) has managed to position itself as the third …

Described by the Director of the Escuela de Artes UIS, Professor Jhon Eduard Ciro Gómez, as the most successful defense of a …

The Rectors’ Council of the State University System (SUE) was held at the Universidad Internacional del Trópico Americano Unitrópico, with the participation …

On Thursday, March 14, a Panel and inauguration of the photographic exhibition “Comuneros 81: Resistance and Memory” will take place at the …

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC) awarded the Hospital Universitario de …

With the presence of Mauricio Lizcano, Minister of Information and Communication Technologies, the launch of Talento Tech was held. This is a …

The terms of the strategic alliance for the consolidation of the launching of the Colombian Institute of Petroleum and Energy Transition, Icpet, …

Silvia Viviana Cortés Ardila, a graduate of the Licenciatura en Música UIS, is an example of how perseverance can overcome any obstacle …