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The Universidad Industrial de Santander continues in the process to obtain the Renewal of Institutional Accreditation, for this purpose a series of …

Entrepreneurs and representatives of academia and productive associations of the cocoa and livestock sectors of Santander, attended the call made by the …

To get to know the spaces where the mega construction and modernization of the Faculty of Health of the Universidad Industrial de …

The School of Physics of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) and the Coordination of LA-CoNGA Physics invite the university community to …

In order to contribute responsibly to the National Vaccination Plan, the Specialized Health Unit of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UISALUD) will …

With the motivation to create a group in which research could be done beyond the classroom, the Research Seedbed in Applied Manufacturing …

From the Student Counseling program of the SEA – Academic Vice Rectory, in charge of the student counselors of the Faculties and …

With a large participation of the different university strata, students, professors, administrative workers and alumni, the socialization of the Altissia platform of …


The Universidad Industrial de Santander continues its process to obtain the renewal of the Institutional Accreditation. To this end, a careful self-evaluation …

We are pleased to inform that, in extended Steering Committee of December 28th, 2021 the ICFES approved the application of two Saber …

Students, professors and alumni of the School of Health will have the opportunity to learn the benefits of Altissia, a platform of …

Angélica Salazar and Sebastián Báez, both students of the Plastic Arts program of IPRED-UIS, will host Suamox, the first art meeting organized …

This Friday, February 11th, the work team of the Second Season of La Casa de Coco will hold the inaugural session of …

This Sunday, February 13th, the program ‘Vecinos y Amigos’ at the UIS will be filled with workshops, literature, theater, children’s games, art …

The Chemical Laboratory of Industrial Consulting of the Universidad Industrial de Santander will participate for the first time in the International Leather, …

One of the factors taken into account for the results of the institutional self-evaluation 2021, was factor 2 Students, in which the …

With the aim of promoting culture, art and recreation, from the Cultural Direction of the Universidad Industrial de Santander spaces loaded with …

As part of the informative activities that are carried out monthly from the Faculty of Health, a new topic of interest arrives: …

Stefanny Julieth Pérez Medina, ninth semester student of microbiology, participated in the “CNB Painting Contest for Bacteriologists and homologists”, organized by the …

The beginning of a new academic stage for young people who will take the Introductory Level during the first semester of 2022 …

According to data registered by the Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, 80% of the Colombian population prioritized within the National Vaccination …

The General Secretariat of the Universidad Industrial de Santander in exercise of the functions entrusted to it in artículo 3º del Acuerdo …

Former rectors Cecilia Reyes de León, Álvaro Ramírez García, Jaime Alberto Camacho Pico, Álvaro Beltrán Pinzón and Jorge Gómez Duarte reelected Miguel …

The ‘Itinerary of weekly trainings’ included in the ‘Portfolio of Electronic Resources 2022’ of the Library of the Universidad Industrial de Santander …

The MARCA Program is the first academic mobility program promoted by governments from the MERCOSUR Education Sector. The member and associated countries …

For the first time in Colombia, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation has formed the National Scientific Council (NSC), a team …

What began as a test designed to gain experience, ended up as one of life’s greatest achievements for Carlos Fernando Serrano Serrano, …

Professor UIS. Participate in the virtual event: “PROJECT SIMULATION WORKSHOP WITH KIMEN PM”, with the objective of evaluating the possibility of using …

Five students from the Universidad Industrial de Santander won third place in the Imperial Barrel Award competition of the American Association of …

Rusber Rodríguez, PhD student in Engineering, Electrical Engineering area, participated as a speaker at the international conference on technologies and materials for …

Welcoming Workshop

In order to provide strategies for learning a second language to our new students from all of our campuses, we are pleased …

The delegations of France and Switzerland won their respective semifinals and qualified for the final of the tournament to be held this …

Beyond the competition around physics, the International Physicists’ Tournament (IPT) has allowed about 150 foreigners to meet at the Universidad Industrial de …

Students from schools in Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area who were finalists in the UIS Regional Mathematics Olympics are medalists in the …

Sandra Milena Velasco Herrera, professor and nutritionist UIS, assumed as the new coordinator of Food Services of Student Welfare. “It is an …

As a space for reunion, coexistence, integration and recreation among UIS graduates, the Alumni Meeting was held as part of the commemoration …