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Forum of candidates for the designation of UIS Rector 2022-2025, this thursday at Luis A. Calvo

Image showing invitation to the candidates photo
Meet the candidates for the UIS Rectorate 2022-2025

Communications Department

According to the established schedule, the four candidates will participate this Thursday, March 3rd in the Forum for the Process of Appointment of Rector UIS 2022 – 2025, which will take place in the Luis A. Calvo auditorium of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. They are: Hernán Porras Díaz, Héctor Alirio Méndez Sánchez, Édgar Giovanni Rodríguez Cuberos and Wilman Norberto Amaya León.

It will be a space to present their management plans. There, the university community will have the opportunity to ask pertinent questions to each of them.

Likewise, thanks to the state-of-the-art technology installed on that stage, students, professors, administrative staff and alumni of the Faculty of Health and the regional headquarters of Barrancabermeja, El Socorro, Barbosa and Malaga will be able to participate through video streaming, in the chat that will be enabled on our social network Facebook @UISenlinea, where you can watch live the development of the exhibition of proposals.

Academic flexibility

To facilitate the participation of the academic community, the Academic Council of the Universidad Industrial de Santander granted academic flexibility from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on March 3.

Day: Thursday, March 03

Place: Luis A. Calvo auditorium – UIS Main Campus.

Time: 8:00 a.m.

Here! Candidate Management Plans: