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Folic acid applications from a perinatal perspective and neonatal outcomes: Myths and realities.

Image showing segment of the program's poster

Communications Department
As part of the informative activities of general interest developed monthly by the School of Health, this time two professors from the School of Medicine will be in charge of addressing the topic “application of folic acid in pregnant women”. For this purpose, myths versus realities generated around this content will be discussed.

Luz Ángela Gutiérrez Sánchez
Physician and Surgeon, UIS
Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist, UIS
Specialist in Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Universidad del Rosario
Fetal Neurosonography, Sourasky Center, Lis Hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Coordinator of research seedbed Fetal Malformations, GINO Group.
Associate Researcher, Colciencias classification, GINO group.
Professor of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

María Azucena Niño Tovar
Physician and Surgeon (Universidad Industrial de Santander, UIS – 1999)
Specialist in Pediatrics (Universidad Industrial de Santander, UIS – 2004)
Specialist in Neonatology (Universidad del Valle- 2006)
Specialist in Bioethics (Universidad El Bosque – 2015)
Specialist in Pediatric Bioethics (Children’s Mercy Bioethics Center in affiliation with the University of Missouri, Kansas City – Cohort 2018-2019).
Professor Department of Pediatrics Universidad Industrial de Santander, UIS (since 2015).

Day: March 17th
Time: 8:00 a.m.

We are waiting for you!

Full poster of the event