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With the withdrawal of one of the aspirants, four candidates continue the process for the appointment of UIS rector 2022 – 2025

Dates of the opinion poll
Dates of the opinion poll

One day after the Academic Council announced the candidates who met the requirements and will continue in the process of Appointment Rector UIS for the period 2022 – 2025, one of them announced his withdrawal.

According to the General Secretariat of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, last Wednesday, February 16th, by means of a communication received via e-mail, Juan Carlos Reyes Nova resigned as a candidate in the process in question.

Therefore, the candidates who continue in the process are Hernán Porras Díaz, Héctor Alirio Méndez Sánchez, Édgar Giovanni Rodríguez Cuberos and Wilman Norberto Amaya León. It should be recalled that claims to the list of candidates for the position of Rector, published on February 16th, will be received until February 22nd. On February 24th, a response will be given to the complaints received and the definitive list of candidates will be published.