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UIS entrepreneurships receive important support from the ‘Fondo Emprender’

Image showing photographs of the entrepreneurs.

Communications Department

Four ventures of graduates of the Universidad Industrial de Santander benefited from the funding calls offered by the SENA Entrepreneur Fund, thanks to the personalized support and advice provided by UIS EMPRENDE, a program led by the Directorate of Knowledge Transfer of the UIS.

These are ‘Golden Colombia Joyería’, ‘AmaruLove’, ‘Gugú’ and ‘Origen Fit’, enterprises that during 2021 bet to take a step forward with their ideas and work with the support provided by the UIS Emprende program to apply and obtain economic funding from one of the most important funds in the country, created by the National Government, which makes available economic resources necessary for the implementation of new productive units.

Throughout the process, the entrepreneurs received technical and specialized advice from UIS Emprende, through its support program ‘Plataforma Emprendedora: Prepárate para el Fondo Emprender’ and the strengthening axis, which allowed them not only to improve the structure of their business plan, but also to strengthen their administrative, financial and marketing areas.

For engineer Vanessa Quiroga Arciniegas, director of Knowledge Transfer, “It has been very satisfying to accompany our entrepreneurs, but mainly to encourage them to believe in themselves and in their projects. Our support does not end here; we will be advising them with our team of experts so that they can meet the proposed indicators, get the most out of the resources obtained and see gratifying results in their products and services”.

Each venture will receive approximately $70 million from the Fund, a significant contribution that will allow them to acquire specialized machinery, bet on the positioning and strengthening of their brands, generate employment and innovative strategies that will allow them to achieve the highest quality in their products and services.

“Thanks to UIS Emprende I received specialized advice for the formulation of the project that was fundamental to achieve all this, and also something that was very important was to attend all the talks offered by the program where I learned about the knowledge and experience of experts and entrepreneurs in the region. All this has been fundamental to change the chip and make me realize that it is possible to achieve what we propose and that we can continue advancing with our ventures,” said Raquel Vargas Rodriguez, beneficiary entrepreneur.

For more information on the benefits offered by UIS Emprende:

Instagram: @uisemprende

Facebook: @uisemprende