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UIS English graduate wins film critique contest in Mexico

Nathaly Bernal Sandoval, a graduate in English from the Universidad Industrial de Santander and currently a PhD student in Letters (Modern) at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM, won first place in the 14th Alfonso Reyes “Fósforo” Film Criticism Contest, UNAM postgraduate category, as part of the activities of the UNAM International Film Festival @ficunam.

Through an essay on Yūrei (Ghosts), the beautiful documentary by Sumie García Hirata, @sumiegato, which is part of this edition of the festival, student Bernal Sandoval won this recognition in the Postgraduate category.

The competition is organized by #FilmotecaUNAM, in collaboration with #FICUNAM, Escuela Nacional de Artes Cinematográficas UNAM, Literatura UNAM and the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales – UNAM. This contest contributes to the formation of new generations of specialists in film criticism.

Honorable mentions in the undergraduate category went to Fernando Fonseca Peaña and Francisco Javier Tinajero Flores, both from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UNAM; in the graduate category to Louise Mereles Gras of the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas UNAM; and in the alumni and general public category, honorable mentions went to Israel Cruz Galindo and Ofelia Ladrón de Guevara Martínez.

First place in the Undergraduate category went to Vivian Mayte Duarte González of the #FCPyS. In the Postgraduate category, Nathaly Bernal Sandoval won. And in the category Alumni and general public, Paloma Sheherezade Martínez won.

Nathaly Bernal is a PhD student in Letters (Modern) UNAM, Master in Translation from El Colegio de México and BA in English from Universidad Industrial de Santander. She is a member of the GLOTTA research group (UIS). She is translator from English and French into Spanish and author of the book Letter to a Young Poet, by Virginia Woolf. Estudio y retraducción comentada (Ediciones UIS, 2023), as well as research articles, essays, literary translations and reviews. He has obtained a scholarship from the National Council of Humanities, Science and Technology of the Government of Mexico for master’s and doctoral studies.

During her time as an undergraduate student in English, Nathaly Bernal worked in the Communications Department as a style editor for the newspapers Cátedra Libre and Hechos UIS.