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UIS brought together 33 physiotherapy programs in the country during ASCOFAFI’s annual meeting

ASCOFAFI Annual Meeting
ASCOFAFI Annual Meeting

The annual ordinary assembly of the Colombian Association of Physiotherapy Faculties (Ascofafi) was held at the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) to review the curriculum, the challenges of physiotherapy programs, as well as to analyze how clinical practices are being developed and what are the points of convergence of physiotherapy programs.

The meeting was held in the facilities of Bienestar Estudiantil of the central campus of the UIS and was attended by delegates and directors. The assembly brought together 33 physiotherapy programs from all over the country.

“The purpose of the assembly, which is held every year, is to give guidelines for the physiotherapy programs in the coming periods. New boards of directors are also elected. But the most important thing is the exchange between students from different universities, who join forces to work together to advance in this discipline,” said the dean of the Faculty of Health UIS, Lina Maria Vera Cala.

The Board of Directors was made up of: Beatriz Mena Bejarano (UNAL), president; Erika Patricia Palacio Duran (Universidad Simón Bolívar), vice president; Ana Catalina Enciso Naranjo (Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana), treasurer; Gloria Cecilia Carrascal Jácome (UDES Cúcuta), secretary; Verónica Tamayo Montoya (CES), fiscal; Belky Xiomara Medina Noriega (UDES Valledupar), member and Alejandra Bojacá Bazurto, executive director.

The Colombian Association of Physiotherapy Faculties is a non-profit organization of academic character, founded on August 21, 1998 and dedicated to promote the academic development and quality of undergraduate and graduate university programs.

“The objective is to present the financial and management reports of the board of directors and to make known the advances and new proposals, within the academy, that can strengthen all physical therapy programs. We thank the UIS for the welcome and for being part of this wonderful assembly. Tell them that the Universidad Santiago de Cali has open doors for all students, administrative and professors, for research, extension and academic work, “said Diana Maritza Quiguanas Lopez, director of the Physiotherapy program of the University.   The Universidad Industrial de Santander continues to join efforts to promote academic development and high quality.