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Foto que presenta estudiantes realizando sus actividades académicas en la biblioteca de la universidad.

Communications Department

This Tuesday, January 11th, the Academic Council made official the return to the classrooms of students belonging to the different undergraduate in-person academic programs in Bucaramanga and regional headquarters, in order to give continuity to the second academic semester of 2021.

After the remote in-person and hybrid modality experienced during the time of the pandemic, the University, through Resolution No. 2157 of December 20, 2021, establishes that all members of the academic and administrative community must continue the calendar of this new academic year in-person.

The ‘beautiful city’ welcomed in its main campus together with the Faculty of Health an approximate of 15,000 students, who after the collective recess returned to the classrooms, continuing with the strict compliance with the biosecurity protocols within the institution.

On the other hand, the municipalities of Malaga, Socorro, Barbosa, and Barrancabermeja, with their respective regional headquarters, reinstated approximately 2,400 students to continue with the development of their high quality academic training.

The academic vice-rector, Orlando Pardo Martínez, shared a message of social responsibility and awareness to the academic community: “Dear students, the restart of this second stage of our second semester of 2021 implies strengthening our individual and social responsibility for the full development of the processes of pedagogical mediation, complying with behaviors such as the proper use of masks and performing preventive social isolation in confined spaces to avoid risks throughout the community”.

On the other hand, he insisted on the fulfillment of preventive measures within the university premises: “So, I invite you to responsibly assume the fulfillment of the biosecurity protocols dictated by the ministries and, of course, to continue with the respective vaccination processes insofar as the university will have the spaces and mechanisms for this task within the institution.”

Through the creation and development of a digital application, the UIS prepared a procedure that safely evaluates the state of health, physical condition, and possible symptoms that a member of the university community may have. That is why, at the moment of notifying any of these states, the UIS mobility passport will immediately disqualify the person from entering the campus for a period of seven days, during which the evolution or positive result must be reported to the institution.

The University continues to develop new alternatives to ensure the safety of its academic and administrative community during the return to activities in 2022. All this, obeying governmental guidelines to prevent the spread of the SARS CoV-2 virus and its variants.