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These are the Library’s ‘On-demand training’ sessions for the UIS Community

Image showing UIS library
University Industrial of Santander Central Campus Library

Communications Department

Through the ‘Portfolio of Electronic Resources 2022’ of the Library of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), students will not only have a platform where they can have the list and description of all databases, their classification, usability criteria and multidisciplinary content focused on learning, teaching and research, but also a weekly training itinerary.

According to Pedro Antonio García Obando, director of the Library, the trainings of the electronic resources that are available, some are specialized in certain areas and others are general. “At the established time and link, the database director providers offer training on the use of this information. This will allow students and civil servants to know and learn more about certain topics.”

In this space they can request training on any of the resources. In addition, there are student library assistants, whose task is to train students in the use of the databases.

The ‘on-demand training’ sessions will be held at different times.

Training schedule

Wednesday, January 26th

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Barrier-Free Health Training with ClinicalKey Student

This will be a training session on the functionalities of the ClinicalKey Student platform.

Teachers and students attending will have access to books and tools that will support distance work. 

You can register at:

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Web of Science Core Collection & Scielo

This meeting will provide training on the Web of Science platform and the differences between publishing or consuming regional information versus publishing and consuming international information.

Among the topics are:

WOS Classic Vs WOS 2021

Literature retrieval for a successful project

Citation Reporting by Author

Trends in Latin American research

Scielo Citation Index / Emerging Sources Citation Index  

Link to training access is: 

2:00 p. m. – 3:00 p. m. Web of Science Core Collection & Scielo

Attendees will learn about the Web of Science platform and the differences between publishing or consuming regional information versus publishing and consuming international information.

WOS Classic Vs WOS 2021

Literature retrieval for a successful project

Citation reporting by author

Trends in Latin American research

Scielo Citation Index / Emerging Sources Citation Index  

The access link:

Thursday, January 27th

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Advanced Interpretation of Similarity Reporting

This session will review in depth the interpretation of a similarity report.

We will start by analyzing the difference between academic plagiarism and text similarity, then analyze a document, review in detail the matching sources, apply filters and exclusions, and finally understand the meaning of the alert marks.

If you want to know in detail all the necessary elements for the interpretation of a similarity report, join us in this session. Register at:

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Use and Management of the Digitalia Hispánica Database

This platform has more than 40 thousand electronic books in Spanish that allows the university community to search, explore and consult full-text content.

Get to know the general tools and components such as title search functions, save searches, book detail page, personal bookshelf, book download and online reader tools (writing notes, coloring, dictionary, biographies, encyclopedia, bibliographic citations).

You will be able to log on at

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. InCites B&A as a Decision-Making Tool

This session will address how InCites B&A through Bibliometric reports allows you to have a broader view of the current context and to know the research trends in your institution and worldwide.

Among the topics to be covered are: What is bibliometrics and how does it relate to InCites; what is InCites and who uses it; the different metrics and performance indicators; and the performance and impact reports of Latin American countries and institutes.

Remember to connect through 

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. InCites B&A as a tool for decision making

In this session we will discuss how InCites B&A through Bibliometric reports allows you to have a broader view of the current context and to know the research trends in your institution and worldwide.

Among the topics to be covered are: What is bibliometrics and how does it relate to InCites; what is InCites and who uses it; the different metrics and performance indicators; and the performance and impact reports of Latin American countries and institutes.

Connect at

Friday, January 28th

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. E-LIBRO Digital Library Use and Benefits

In this session you will learn how to use the eLibro platform, quick, filtered and advanced search. You will also learn how to use the tools to interact with documents through the online reader; classify and organize titles in the eLibro shelves, and download and read documents off line from the platform to the eLibro APP. 

The connection link is

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Creating and Using Rubrics in Turnitin Feedback Studio

In this session, you will learn the importance of using rubrics for effective feedback on the Turnitin Feedback Studio tool. 

You will also learn how to create, upload and share rubrics in Turnitin Feedback Studio. Finally, you will learn about student visualization to improve the quality of your academic work. Remember to register at