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Theater, art and creativity join the process of renewal of institutional accreditation UIS

Performance for the process of renewal of institutional accreditation UIS
Performance for the process of renewal of institutional accreditation UIS

The Universidad Industrial de Santander continues in the process to obtain the Renewal of Institutional Accreditation, for this purpose a series of activities that involve the university community were arranged. A great variety of artistic exhibitions will take place between Monday, February 14th and Friday, February 18th, to support the socialization of this important process.

This is a joint work in which 14 UIS Theater students participate, under the guidance of the teacher and director Omar Álvarez Vera. The staging consists of forming several groups; in each one participates a clown, who will be in charge of making the ‘bad’ jokes to the others. Each of the groups must go to places where there are students and the dynamic, in general, is based on asking questions about the Institutional Accreditation Renewal process.

The groups will handle two situations during the staging. The first is to arrive in classrooms, study halls, among others and start asking questions about the Accreditation, which are designed so that the person can answer them, in case they get it right, they will be rewarded.

“In the second situation, the actors will go through the common areas of the campus reaching groups of students and there they will talk nonsense, inconsistencies and negative aspects about the Accreditation, so absurd, that the students themselves, will end up taking them out of the place,” said the teacher Omar Alvarez.

The objective of these activities is to make known everything that is happening with the Renewal of Institutional Accreditation, so that the students know why it is important, what the renewal implies, what benefits students obtain by studying in an accredited institution.

Likewise, these stagings will be a sample of the joint work of the self-evaluation process, in which students, professors, directors, administrators, graduates, employers and external actors participate, in order to contribute to the adoption of a culture of quality and continuous improvement.

Among the achievements expected from this activity are the participation and the reflective and critical view of the university community, important to identify strengths, areas for improvement, challenges and challenges for the future.

The schedule for the staging will be as follows:

Monday, February 14th

• 12:00 p.m. Mascarada manifestantes 

• 3:00 p.m. Mascarada el payaso golpeador 

• 3:00 p.m. Mascarada del doctor y el estudiante 

Tuesday, February 15th

• 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Mascarada del doctor y el estudiante 

• 2:00 p.m. Mascarada el payaso golpeador 

Wednesday, February 16th

• 2:00 p.m. Mascarada el payaso golpeador 

• 2:00 p.m. Mascarada manifestantes 

• 2:00 p.m. Mascarada el doctor y el estudiante 

Thursday, February 17th

• 8:30 a.m. Mascarada el doctor y el estudiante 

• 11:00 a.m. Mascarada manifestantes 

Friday, February 18th

• 12:00 p.m. Mascarada manifestantes  • 3:00 p.m. Mascarada el payaso golpeador