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The Superior Council has approved the schedule for the election process of the UIS Rector for the period 2022-2025

Photograph of the administrative building.

Communications Department
In February, the process for the election of the UIS Rector who will lead the University in the period 2022-2025 begins. The schedule was approved in the session of the Superior Council on Monday, January 31st.

The idea of the highest governing body of the Universidad Industrial de Santander is that the designation of the rector is given before Sunday, March 13, the date on which will be the legislative elections in Colombia.

“The purpose is that the election takes place a few days before the March 13th elections. In this process, all the stages are fulfilled, such as the registration of candidates, evaluation of the curriculum vitae, authorization of approval by the Academic Council, space for the realization of forums, for the meetings in the regional headquarters and the consultation made by the University staff, which, undoubtedly, its results give an indication to the Superior Council about the wishes of the university community”, assured Miguel José Pinilla Gutiérrez, representative of the former rectors before the Superior Council.

Initially, the call will be opened for those interested in the position to review the requirements and register, if they meet them. Subsequently, on February 16th, the Academic Council will publish the final list with the candidates who meet all the requirements.

“The election of a rector in a public university is supremely important because he/she is the one who directs, coordinates and administers an institution. On February 16 we will have the publication of the candidates who meet the requirements, after evaluation by the Academic Council. Then there will be spaces for forums and for people to review the candidates’ proposals,” said Ana Milena Gualdrón Díaz, representative of the Minister of National Education to the Higher Council.

Finally, there will be a consultation of opinion on March 7th. Everything is planned so that, by March 11th at the latest, the Superior Council will appoint the new UIS rector. The next rector’s term will begin in May 2022 and will last until 2025.