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The Master’s Degree in Microbiology is now open for enrollment

Image showing microbiological analysis
Master’s Degree in Microbiology

Communications Department

The School of Microbiology of the Universidad Industrial de Santander has open enrollment for the fifth cohort of the Master in Microbiology. Enrollment payment is due by January 24, 2022.

This postgraduate program is a research program with mixed funding offered by the School of Microbiology. It is developed in the city of Bucaramanga, in the School of Health of the UIS, with a duration of four (4) academic semesters. It was created through the Agreement of the Academic Council 233 of 2015, has a Resolution of Qualified Registration of the Ministerio de Educación Nacional 16265 of September 30, 2015, and grants the title of Magister in Microbiology.

The program is supported by a faculty with doctoral and master’s level training and extensive experience, whose members have carried out different projects in the different lines of research of the program.

The program provides theoretical and practical elements to its students for the development of basic and applied research in different areas of microbiology through the implementation of new technological tools, using the scientific method to contribute to the generation of knowledge and contribute to the solution of problems related to the area at regional, national, and international levels.

As of the second semester of 2021, the University has graduated 17 masters in microbiology who have developed their research work in metabolomics, transcriptomics, evaluation of diagnostic tools, search for solutions to corrosion issues, biodegradation processes, and waste utilization, among others.

The lines of training offered by the Master in Microbiology are: Clinical, Environmental, Industrial, Industrial Microbiology, Agricultural Microbiology, Immunology, and Biotechnology, leaving open the possibilities of other areas of knowledge in the process of consolidation in the School of Microbiology.

Those interested may contact the Master’s Program in Microbiology by phone at 6344000 ext. 3140 or by e-mail at It will be a privilege for the master’s program to have qualified professionals as part of its academic community.