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The entire community is invited to participate in the awards ceremony of the XII Concurso Nacional de Libro de Cuentos UIS

Image showing the banner of the national call for short story book banners.
National Call for Short Story Book 2021-2022

Communications Department

This Wednesday, March 16th, the Award Ceremony of the XII Concurso Nacional de Libro de cuentos UIS 2022 will take place. The event will be held at the Aula Máxima of Mechanical Engineering at the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) from 4:00 p.m. onwards.

On this occasion, the winner of the XII Concurso Nacional de Libro de cuentos UIS 2022 Contest is Víctor Rivera Fernández, known by his pseudonym ‘Cumbal’, writer and Master in Literature from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, with his work “El Sueño de la Montaña” (The Dream of the Mountain). This will be presented on the day of the award ceremony during a talk with Omar Álvarez, director of the UIS Theater, in which they will share their experiences and inspirations about the mountains.

Victor Rivera Fernandez Rivera won the 2007 Carlos Illera Benavides university poetry public tender at the University of Cauca and in 2011 published his book of poems ‘La Montaña sumergida’ with the publishing house Gamar. He has participated in poetry festivals in Mexico, Colombia and Cuba. In 2019 he published his book entitled ‘Desmesura’, with the publishing house El Taller Blanco, and in 2021 he won the Premio Hispanoamericano de Poesía de San Salvador for his book ‘En el oído azul de la espesura’.

The jury table that chose the winner of the contest is formed by: Tania Ganitsky, Colombian writer, editor, poet and essayist; Jhon Galindo, writer, graduate in Spanish and literature from the Universidad Industrial de Santander and Catalina González Restrepo, graduate in Spanish education and literature from the Universidad de Antioquia, magister in literature with experience of more than twenty-five years in the publishing world.

The selection of the winner was made after having independently carried out the evaluation of 41 poetry books participating in the call for the XII UIS National Short Story Book Contest, which unanimously awarded the prize to the book: “El Sueño de la Montaña” (The Dream of the Mountain), pseudonym CUMBAL.

“We consider that this book has thematic unity and a sustained tone. Here the landscape is transformed into territory and ecosystem, a singular way of approaching nature in the context of Colombian poetry. There is a careful work around the image and silence, and a harmonious conjunction between the poems”, highlighted the jury.

Registrations for the new public tender

The UIS opens its new call through Academic Council Agreement No. 053 of 2022 and invites the UIS community and in general to participate in the XVI National Short Story Book Contest, with closing date on Friday, September 9 of this year at 3:00 p. m.

The most relevant specifications of the public tender are the following:

-Prize: $10,000,000 pesos and 50 copies published by Ediciones UIS.

-Open to: adults, residents in the country or Colombians living abroad who submit an unpublished work or a work that is not simultaneously competing in other contests.

-Calling entity: Academic Council of the Universidad Industrial de Santander.

-Country of the organizing entity: Colombia.

– The presentation of the book of short stories must be in Spanish, in letter size, double spaced, Times New Roman font, size I2 points. The theme is freely chosen by the writer. These requirements must be fully complied with or risk being excluded from the public tender.

– The stories must have a minimum of eighty (80) pages and a maximum of two hundred (200).

For more information, please read the attached document which opens the call for entries and contains the specifications and requirements.