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Tell us about your experience with UIS! The PQRDS information system is at your service


In order to offer guarantees of constant interaction with the UIS community and society, the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) has enabled the Information System of Petitions, Complaints, Claims, Suggestions and Acknowledgements (PQRDS), which is coordinated by the Internal Control and Management Evaluation Department.

This is a space where the community can express their opinion about the activities that are developed daily in the institution, in accordance with the mission purposes, expressed through petitions, complaints, claims, complaints, suggestions and acknowledgements.

This space, located on the University’s web page, allows you to attach files in different formats, follow up on petitions, evaluate the attention received, request clarification of the response provided, among other options that facilitate feedback on the institution’s activities.

Interested parties can access this tool through the link or by downloading the mobile application for Android devices at this link Additionally, a video tutorial has been made available for you to learn more about this important tool that contributes to the participatory construction of the UIS we want.