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‘SUAMOX’, art meeting that reveals hundreds of worth telling stories


Angélica Salazar and Sebastián Báez, both students of the Plastic Arts program of IPRED-UIS, will host Suamox, the first art meeting organized in the municipality of Puerto Wilches, Santander, which will open its doors to exhibit the best works of artists from the region.

The students of the Plastic Arts program of the Institute of Regional Projection and Distance Education (IPRED-UIS), who carry the identity of the riverside in their veins, seek to contribute to the historical construction, show the current wealth and make known to the general public this other reality.

Next Thursday, February 10, from 2:00 to 5:30 p.m., the main parish of San José del Puente Sogamoso will be open to the public to showcase the talent of the invited artists, who will highlight the cultural heritage of the municipality free of charge.

In addition, the exhibition will bring together the best of local art represented in the work of José Luis Torres, author of the book ‘La historia del puente Sogamoso’, which recounts the close relationship between the indigenous ethnic group of the Yariguíes and the Sogamoso Bridge.

This space will also feature the participation of Michael Angarita, audiovisual artist from the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), who will contribute five pictorial works with popular and religious themes present in the virgins of the town. Sebastián Báez sent a message of invitation to the general public: “For us it is an honor and a great satisfaction to help to show and spread the history of Hidrosogamoso. In our academic process as students we contribute to research and dissemination of the same, so we are invited to this meeting of art for us to know a little of this Santander territory”.