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Spaces for socialization and conversation of research projects ‘Humanas Investiga’ are now back.

Image showing invitation to participate in the 'Humanas Investiga' socialization.
Get to know and share experiences on different topics.

Communications Department

On March 11, the ‘Humanas Investiga’ socialization sessions return to the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS). This is a space for conversation in which the most impacting results and details of the research projects and research seedbeds of the Faculty of Human Sciences are shared.

It will be a space to learn and share experiences on different topics, which can be accessed by members of the university community, representatives of institutions, local, regional, and national organizations interested in the topics, and society in general. This initiative is led by the Faculty of Human Sciences, the Research and Extension Department of the Faculty of Human Sciences and the Center for Research in Culture and Society (CICS) of the Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Extension.

Each month, two editions of ‘Humanas Investiga’ will be held, and for 2022, they will include the participation of research seedbeds of the faculty that have been benefited and institutionalized by the Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Extension. At each meeting, it is expected that the students themselves and those involved in the projects will present to the public the most relevant details, conclusions, and recommendations that arise from the research work.

This Friday, March 11, will have as guests the Religion and Society Research Seedbed of the Sacred and Profane Research Group of the School of History, the SETRA Translation Seedbed, attached to the Cuynaco research group of the School of Languages, and the Dignitas Research Seedbed of the GPAD research group of the School of Social Work.

The event will be held on Fridays on the Zoom and Facebook Live platforms, starting at 2 pm.

Zoom Platform: Facebook Live: @FHUMANASUIS