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Microbiology student won first place in national painting contest

Painting contest
Painting contest

Stefanny Julieth Pérez Medina, ninth semester student of microbiology, participated in the “CNB Painting Contest for Bacteriologists and homologists”, organized by the National College of Bacteriology.

The work “Intangible”, painting in acrylic on canvas made by the student Perez Medina, won first place in the Sixth CNB 2021 Painting Competition.

“The health crisis and the social crisis the country was going through was my main inspiration to make this painting. The post-traumatic stress faced by health personnel inspired me to think that there is also hope, love and teamwork that evoke a sense of hope,” Stefanny Perez said.

The award ceremony for the contest will take place this Wednesday, February 9, at 5:30 p.m. Link to the ceremony: