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Members of the faculty of health learned about the benefits of the ALTISSIA platform

Health faculty staff
Health Faculty staff

With a large participation of the different university strata, students, professors, administrative workers and alumni, the socialization of the Altissia platform of the UIS e-languages program was carried out by Laura Prada, a professional from the Office of External Relations.

Altissia is a language learning platform that has been at the service of the university community since April 2018, and arises as a joint initiative of the School of Languages, the UIS Language Institute, CEDEDEDUIS and the Academic Council.

“From the School of Health we are promoting the use of the different tools that the University offers us to promote academic excellence.  I am pleased that professors, students, administrators and alumni are joining us in this activity and maintain their interest in these learning options offered by our institution,” said Lina María Vera Cala, dean of the Faculty of Health. To date, the Altissia platform offers 24 languages to practice, study and learn a second language.