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IPRED – UIS welcomed the new students in the distance and virtual education modality

Welcome to IPRED-UIS Students
Welcome to IPRED-UIS Students

This Saturday was held in a hybrid way, in-person from the Luis A. Calvo auditorium, and remotely through the Institute’s networks, the induction day for the new Ipred-UIS students who began their studies in the first semester of 2022 in the academic programs in the virtual and distance modalities in the different campuses: Bucaramanga, Barrancabermeja, Malaga, Socorro and Barbosa and the CAE of San Alberto, Cesar.

The academic vice-rector, Orlando Pardo Martínez, welcomed them and gave them a general overview of the University, emphasizing two key events taking place at this time: the visit of peers as part of the process of renewal of Institutional Accreditation and the process of appointing the rector for the period 2022-2025, which this Friday closed the registration of candidates.

Afterwards, the director of Ipred, engineer Germán García Vera, gave his welcome with a talk on healthy habits.

“We held an event for 800 students who were admitted to the various programs of IPRED: Agro-industrial Technician, Agro-industrial Technology, Agro-industrial Professional; technologist in Judicial Management and Criminalistics, Technology in Pharmacy Regency, Plastic Arts and the Business Management program, which is the only program in the virtual modality approved by the Ministerio de Educación Nacional and professional in Business Management, which are the programs offered by Ipred in distance and virtual modality.”

“These careers are by propaedeutic cycles, you start as a technician for two years, with two more semesters you receive the title of technologist and with four more semesters you can acquire the title of professional in the areas that have it,” explained the director of Ipred.

“I want to emphasize that this is a strategy of the Universidad Industrial de Santander that allows students from the villages, the farmers, access to quality education programs; because the University in general is exclusive, it only receives the best ICFES scores, not here. We are contributing to reduce the gap between rich and poor, allowing our farmers in our region, including the department of Cesar and Magdalena, and we have CAE in San Alberto. We do social and inclusive work, which is a source of pride for the University,” said Professor Germán García.

In that sense, we have the Diamante program, in which the Government of Santander subsidizes 80%, the student pays 20% of the tuition; foundations such as Aurelio Llano, which gives a full scholarship to the student and a maintenance scholarship and the condition is that they have to do an entrepreneurship program; something very important because we are focused on the student doing his own business, that the farmer makes his farm a company and learns to manage it and take advantage of it for the good of him and the region, “said the director of Ipred – UIS.

For his part, Carlos Aníbal Vásquez Cardozo, coordinator of the Agribusiness Production programs said: “Approximately 100 new students are entering this commitment of the University that has more than 30 years of preparing and providing education and strengthening the field in a process of professionalizing our farmers. The farmer also has the duty and the right to become professional, with that desire and courage to work in the field, but to do it in a more technical way, more prepared, more aware of what he is doing, of the participation and the value it has for our life”.

Induction at the regional headquarters

El Socorro welcomed them

114 students entered the technical, technological and professional programs that the Institute of Regional Projection and Distance Education of the UIS offers at the Socorro campus. The new members of the university community attended this activity, which integrated all the students in the distance and virtual education modality of each of the UIS branches, through different training talks and the presentation of the academic-administrative processes, services and benefits to which they have access.

Barrancabermeja, present

The UIS Barrancabermeja welcomed the students, who from this semester 2022-1, begin studies in the distance and virtual education modality. The induction day included the interventions of the leaders of the administrative processes of the regional headquarters, who shared information about programs, services and activities that are available to the university students.  

Barbosa is ready

The UIS Barbosa headquarters also welcomed the new Ipred – UIS students who begin their studies in this first semester of 2022. The administrative team led by the campus coordinator, engineer Daniel Alberto Mámela Castillo, gave academic indications and recommendations on study habits and learning techniques to the new students. They were also informed about the various welfare services that the UIS Barbosa campus offers to make this academic process an integral experience. Finally, a tour of the facilities of the campus was conducted.

New students speak

“I am very happy to be part of the UIS. Thanks to the distance mode offered by the University, it was easier for me to enter to study, this allows me to work and study at the same time, to help my family economically, while I train as a professional”, said Natalia Gómez Chacón, student of Agroindustrial Production, Socorro Campus. In turn, Bryan Felipe Argüello Ardila, Business Management student, said that “being admitted to the UIS is a source of pride, which leads to become a great professional and achieve all the goals he has proposed”.

The student Alejandra Parrado, who entered the first semester of Pharmacy Regency Technology at UIS Barrancabermeja, said: “I thought the induction day was very informative and dynamic; also, with an excellent learning methodology. I chose UIS because it is a university that is committed to the formation of young people, provides knowledge and integrity and projects its students to start a life project.” “Very happy to be here, it is a very good university, it is spectacular and I really wanted to enter. I want to get very good grades, learn a lot and have my own business, which is to be able to set up a pharmacy,” said Lady Katherine Daza Arenas, a new student of the Pharmacy Management Technology program at Ipred-UIS Bucaramanga