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In September the appointment is with the 39° Festival Internacional de Piano UIS ¡Nos Toca A Todos!

Official Piece of the 39° Festival Internacional de Piano UIS.
Official Piece of the 39° Festival Internacional de Piano UIS.

In less than 48 hours, the cultural festival with the longest history and national and international recognition in Bucaramanga will begin 39° Festival Internacional de Piano UIS ¡Nos Toca A Todos! which in this edition has the participation of nearly 150 artists. From the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) and the Cultural Department the invitation is extended to the entire Santanderean community to participate in the festival, which will take place from September 1 to 11.

The program includes gala concerts, workshops, traveling piano, master classes, and three exhibitions: “Minimamente Bello “, by the Bumangués master Efraín Saldaña, who is also responsible for the image of this edition of the festival, entitled ´La Belleza del Asombro; “En Clave de Click” which will exhibit 20 photographs of memorable moments captured by viewers in previous editions and “RetroPiano”, which will show the 38 works that became the official image of each version. These exhibitions portray the yesterday of almost four decades of history of this cultural space.

This edition of the festival sees the return of the Concurso Nacional de Piano in the Professional and Children’s and Youth categories, with their respective semi-finals and finals. “We will vibrate again with a space that we have proposed to recover, such as the Concurso Nacional de Piano, after several years of interruption, with the purpose of making new artists increasingly visible to advance in the development and exhibition of their talents”, expressed Hernán Porras, rector of the UIS.

The festival will also reach the seven provinces of Santander, through Piano Viajero. To other universities with Pianofera and educational institutions in Bucaramanga through Piano de Cole. This year there will also be Cinema and entrepreneurs with the ‘Mercadillo Llegaron los Bohemios’

Get to know the detailed program of the festival:

People interested in participating in the events can manage their tickets for free through the following link:

This event is organized by the Cultural Deparment of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) and supported by the Ministerio de Cultura  through the Nacional de Concertación Cultural, el Instituto Municipal de Cultura y Turismo de la Alcaldía de Bucaramanga, el Centro Cultural del Banco de la República Bucaramanga, la Alianza Francesa, ESSA Grupo epm, Teatro Santander, RCN Radio Bucaramanga, Cámara de Comercio de Bucaramanga y Cajasan.

For more information consult the festival’s micro website