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France and the UIS strengthen relations after visit of the ambassador of the European country to the institution

Orlando Pardo, academic vice-rector, led a meeting with the French ambassador in Colombia, during his visit to the UIS.
Orlando Pardo, academic vice-rector, led a meeting with the French ambassador in Colombia, during his visit to the UIS.

Developing a special relationship with the UIS in the renewable energy sector, mainly in hydrogen, was one of the main conclusions of the visit of Frédéric Doré, the French ambassador in Colombia, to the Universidad Industrial de Santander.

During his stay, he received the attention of the University’s directors, who showed him the advances that the institution has made at the academic and research level, as well as in its infrastructure.

“We had a fruitful meeting at the UIS. France and this university have a very strong relationship at all levels and sectors, such as doctorates. We are going to develop a special relationship with the institution in the renewable energy sector, especially in hydrogen. It seems to me that we can go further with the UIS since this sector is essential for the future worldwide,” said Doré, who has been in office since September 2021.

The diplomat is advancing an agenda of a few days in Bucaramanga and other municipalities of Santander, so being and physically meeting the UIS was a “priority” for him.

“We were pleased to receive the French delegation, it was very significant because it demonstrates the trust and the strengthening of cooperation ties between France and Colombia and particularly with the University, thanks to projects we have here, targeting issues such as renewable energy. The ambassador was pleasantly impressed to see how the UIS is consolidated in a university ecosystem articulating all its dimensions of cognitive, scientific, cultural, and sports development,” said Orlando Pardo Martínez, academic vice-rector of the UIS.

The diplomat has extensive experience in negotiation, particularly in the framework of the United Nations. He was Counselor at the Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations in New York (1996-2000) and, from September to December 2015, he was Secretary-General of the French delegation to the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

His visit reaffirms the institutional work that has been carried out from the University’s Office of External Relations with this European country.

“With France, we have worked in academic cooperation and have strengthened ties in other types of events. Now we want to promote technological developments, to involve the Guatiguará Technological Park, to contact French companies that wish to join forces in the development of renewable energies,” said Carlos Vecino Arenas, head of the Office of External Relations.

Frédéric Doré has devoted much of his professional career to the Americas and transatlantic relations, but also to strategic, security, and defense issues, crisis management, and European issues, especially as an advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (2004-2005) and deputy director at the Council of the European Union in Brussels (2000-2004). He was French Ambassador to Cuba from 2007 to 2010 and then Minister Counselor at the French Embassy in Washington from 2011 to 2015.

The meeting was held in the Rector's Council Room.
The meeting was held in the Rector’s Council Room.
During the visit, a tour of the University's facilities was conducted.
During the visit, a tour of the University’s facilities was conducted.